Monthly Precipitation Probabilities for Climatic Divisions in Michigan
Strommen, N. D.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Precipitation , Michigan , NOAA- Weather Service , Michigan Department of Agriculture , Michigan Weather Service , April 1967
Alternative Title
Today, the value of climatology is being brought more and
more to the attention of the prospective user as he makes plans
for the future. This applies equally well to: large industries
planning future expansions or moves; farmers considering a
change in their principal crops? government agencies dealing
with health problems, or the natural resources agencies anticipating
frequencies of hazardous fire conditions or possibly
planning a conservation program to cut erosion and restore a
given area to useful production. People working in research
are also finding climatology a very useful tool to evaluate the
total impact of weather on a particular project or crop.
This paper has been designed to aid these groups in making
intelligent estimations concerning future precipitation amounts
expected over a given area. These areas have been carefully
selected to provide as much homogeneity in weather elements as
possible for Michigan. There will be some variation within
each of the ten climatic divisions of Michigan. However, when
considering these areas as a whole, the results should be
The user should keep in mind, when using the data in
tables 3-12, that a single station may have a precipitation
distribution slightly different from that of the climatic division.
The size of the climatic division will have some effect
on the distribution pattern. This may be due to the total
number of stations used in obtaining the division average,
or the greater variations which can be expected in the almost
homogeneous features of a larger area. To illustrate this
point let's look at the results listed below. Column one lists
the various probabilities from 10 to 90 percent. Column two
shows values of X for the Northwest Lower Climatic Division of
Michigan. Column three lists values of X for Traverse City, a
station centrally located within the Northwest Lower Climatic
Division. In each case, X is the precipitation amount which
corresponds to the probability level given in column one.
We note that the values are very close at the 50% level with
an ever increasing departure observed as you move toward the
10 and 90 percent probability levels.
Partial OCR done. 43 pages total.