Spring Phytoplankton Abundance and Productivity in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan, 1970
Stoermer, E. F.
Schelske, C. L.
Santiago, M. A.
Feldt, L. E.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Phytoplankton , Grand Traverse Bay , Lake Michigan , Boardman River , bacterial contamination of beaches , standing crop , productivity
Alternative Title
In May 1970, phytoplankton abundance in Grand Traverse Bay ranged
from 1455 cells/ml to 3355 cells/mi. Highest standing crop estimates were obtained
from stations in the lower portion of the west arm. Lowest standing crop estimates were
obtained from stations in the upper east arm. The same populations dominated the
assemblages at all stations and estimated diversity of assemblages was relatively high
and uniform, ranging from 2.3 to 2.6,
Estimates of primary productivity from the same stations ranged from 3.8 mg
C m~3 hr to 9.1 mg C m~3 hr_ 1 and followed the same general pattern of areal distribution
as the standing crop estimates.
In June, standing crop estimates increased significantly, with values ranging from
2500 cells/ml to 6469 cells/ml. Highest standing crops again were found at stations in
the lower west arm, in the vicinity of Traverse City. Similar dominant populations
were present again at all stations, but estimated diversity of the assemblages at all
stations decreased, with values ranging from 1.8 to 2.2.
Estimates of primary productivity were more variable during the June sampling
oeriod, with values ranging from 2.7 mg C m hr- 1 to 13.4 mg C m~3 hr- 1 , with
greatest differences again being between most productive stations in the lower west arm
and least productive stations in the upper east arm. (Key words: Phy to plankton;, .standing
crop; productivity; Grand Traverse Bay).
FIG. 1. Outline of Grand Traverse Bay
showing station locations.; TABLE 1. Productivity related parameters measured at 12 stations in Grand Traverse
Bay, Lake Michigan on 18 May and 20 June 1970. Bracketed values derived from samples
taken 1 m above bottom; others are derived from samples taken at 5-m depth.; TABLE 2. Relative frequency of dominant taxa in samples from 5 m depth, Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan on 18 May and 20 June 1970.; TABLE 3. Relative frequency of pollution tolerant taxa in samples from 5 m depth,
Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan collected on 18 May and 20 June 1970.;