Water Samples 1990
Weiss, Bill G. Jr.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Red Mule Engineering, Inc. , September 1990 , Tip of the Mitt , Traverse Bay Watershed Center , Three Lakes Association , Elk Skegemog Lakes Association , DNR Self-Help , Elk Lake , Skegemog Lake , secchi , August 1990 , July 1990 , June 1990 , May 1990
Alternative Title
I prepared a new data sheet for recording the data in the
computer which displays the profile data on the same page
with the other and allows graph preparation from the same
ledger. Chlorophyll data will have to be entered later when
completed by Tip of the Mitt. I left the phosphorus blank on
your sheets simply because the same format will be used for
identical stations I took in other lakes where a sample was
I have displayed the secchi depths for both Skegemog and Elk
on graphs. Also, the profiles for Elk Lake temperature and
dissolved oxygen. Unfortunately, I was unable to present
these graphs in the way normally found in the literature
which would place the water surface at the top of the page.
My Lotus graphing abilities could not overcome this problem.
Although it bothers me, our analysis can be made by simply
looking at the graph by turning it sideways - the labels are
just not as readable. However, once you have read the labels
it is not really necessary to refer to them for comparison.
Partial OCR done. 29 pages total.