Leelanau Conservancy Report of the Leelanau Watershed Council: Water Quality Monitoring Program (A Synthesis of Data from 1990 through 1995)
Keilty, Tim
Issue Date
Technical Report
Leelanau County, Michigan , Leelanau Conservancy , Water Quality Monitoring Program , Leelanau Watershed Council , Lake Leelanau , Glen Lake , Little Traverse Lake , Lime Lake , Cedar Lake , Trophic Status Index , MDNR , EPA , Temperature , North Lake Leelanau , South Lake Leelanau , Glen Lake Association , DEQ
Alternative Title
Data collections from 1990 to the present have permitted "trophic status" determinations for
the major lakes of Leelanau County (Leelanau, Glen, Little Traverse, Lime, and Cedar).
Trophic status is a reflection of the nutritional state, or the ability of the lake to support plant
growth. Lakes are classified as oligotrophic, mesotrophic, or eutrophic. Oligotrophic lakes
have limited ability to sustain plant growth. (low production) and therefore are relatively free
of nuisance aquatic plants, high in dissolved oxygen levels throughout the year, and usually
contain fairly clear water. Eutrophic lakes support abundant plant growth (high production)
and thus exhibit extensive weed populations, reduced oxygen levels (particularly during late
summer), and murky water. Mesotrophic lakes fall in between. Because trophic status is a
continuum rather than a yes or no condition, there is no single or absolute way to classifY a
Partial OCR done. Partially handwritten. 47 pages total.