Ground-water Data for Michigan - 1976
Huffman, G.C.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Groundwater , Wells
Alternative Title
The purpose of this report is to make available the records of water
levels in principal aquifers of the State through 1976 and to compile related
data, such as records of ground-water pumpage. Also included in the report
are data on municipal, public, and industrial water-supply facilities. Records
of water levels in areas of heavy pumpage and in areas where changes are principally
due to natural influences are illustrated or tabulated to allow coiflparison
between these types of water-level fluctuations. Water levels and related data
provide a record for the evaluation of available ground-water supplies. The
long-term records serve as a framework to which short-term records may be related.
This report is written for persons, municipalities, industries, institu-^
tions, consultants, drillers, and hydrologists interested in the ground-water
resources of the State.
Table 1 contains records of measurements of water levels in observation
wells, well locations, depths, elevations, aquifers tapped, and water level
extremes for the past. Figure 1 shows density of observation wells in the
State. Table 2 contains records of pumpage by most major ground-water users
in the State.
Many hydrographs are included in the report to illustrate changes in
water levels. Msst illustrations also show the effects of ground-water
pumpage on water levels.
Supplementary data on the yield of wells, punopage, quality of water,
and trends of ground-water levels for the past five years are shown in summary
form in the text. Yield data are given as they were reported by water departments
and consultants.
U.S. Geological Survey