Leelanau Conservancy Report of the Leelanau Watershed Council: Nutrient Data and Budgets for Leelanau County Streams and Lakes 1990 to 1996
Canale, Raymond P.
Nielsen, Walter H.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Leelanau County, Michigan , nutrient data , Leelanau Conservancy , MDNR , MDEQ , Northport creek , Provemont Creek , Beaudwin Creek , Cedar Lake , Glen Lake , Lime Lake , Little Traverse Lake , North Lake Leelanau , South Lake Leelanau , Belanger Creek , Belnap Creek , Mebert Creek , Cedar River , Water Quality , EPA
Alternative Title
Flow measurements and water quality samples were taken at two-month intervals from twenty-six
streams in Leelanau County over a period from 1990 to 1996. The water samples were
analyzed for total phoshorus, nitrate+nitrite, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and ammonia at the
MDNR (now MDEQ) laboratory in Lansing, Michigan.
These data have been used to calculate five-year average concentrations and loadings for each
parameter for each stream. This information is presented in tables that rank each stream from
highest to lowest concentration. These rankings have been used to identify possible problems
where remedial action may be appropriate to reduce nutrient inputs or modify cultural
practices within a given watershed.
Partial OCR done. 51 pages total.