An Illustrated Guide to the Identification of the Planktonic Crustacea of Lake Michigan with Notes on their Ecology
Torke, Byron G.
Issue Date
Technical Report
University of Wisconsin , Center for Great Lakes Studies , Milwaukee , Special Report No. 17 , Plankton , Crustacea , Lake Michigan , trophic relations , breeding cycles , vertical distribution in the water column , Copepodid Stages , Naupliar Stages , Cyclopoida , Diaptomide
Alternative Title
Although reported observations on the planktonic crustacea in
Lake Michigan began over a century ago (Hoy 1872), much remains to be
learned about the general biology as well as the trophic relations of these
animals. The planktonic crustacean community (including the benthic
amphipod, Pontoporeia) provides the major portion of available food for the
greater mass of the lake's fish populations. Management of the lake as a
valuable natural resource must be based on a knowledge of the lake's
biological processes and potentials. The crustacean plankton community
forms the major link between algae and fish and, for this reason, should be
considered an important area for future study. Although much is known
about the crustacean plankton in terms of taxonomy, and seasonal and
vertical distribution (Wells 1960, 1970; McNaught 1966; McNaught and
Hasler 1966; and Gannon 1972a), little is known of the population dynamics,
production, and feeding of these animals. The purpose of this guide is to
facilitate easy and rapid identification of the common planktonic crustaceans
of Lake Michigan with the hope of aiding and promoting further study concerning
their biology.
Partial OCR done. 44 pages total.
Milwaukee, Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin