Grand Traverse Bay: A Time of Choice Basic Issues
Ryner, Peter C.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Grand Traverse Bay , Sea Grant Program , University of Michigan , Grand Traverse Bay Shorelands Coordinating Committee , Michigan Water Resources Commission , School of Natural Resources , Great Lakes , Coastal Zone , Michigan Tourist Council
Alternative Title
With the passage of the Shorelands Protection
and Management Act of 1970 (Act 245), the
Michigan Water Resources Commission (WRC)
was charged with the establishment of a shorelands
management plan for Michigan's Great
Lakes shorelands. In the process of formulating
these management recommendations, the commission
has been involved with the University
of Michigan Sea Grant Program in a pilot shoreland
study in Grand Traverse Bay.
Soon after commencing this project the WRC
and Sea Grant established contact with a
number of concerned citizens w ho have provided
valuable information and suggestions. In
August of 1971 this group established itself as
the Traverse Bay Shorelands Coordinating Committee,
with the hope of gaining membership
from all bay-area political, planning, and citizen
In response to requests by members of the Shorelands
Coordinating Committee, Sea Grant is
preparing a series of background papers which
identify some bay shorelands and water problems
and some initial recommendations. This
general report is the first in a series which will
be presented to interested citizens through the
Shorelands Coordinating Committee. These conceptual
reports will be supplemented by a continuing
series of technical Sea Grant reports.
Partial OCR done. 27 pages total.