The Water Quality of North Lake Leelanau: A Shoreline Algal Survey
Northwest Michigan Regional Planning and Development Commission
Issue Date
Technical Report
Water Quality , Algal Survey , North Lake Leelanau , Leelanau County, Michigan , Northwest Michigan Regional Planning and Development Commission , runoff from the watershed , lakeshore septic systems , lakeshore lawn fertilization , Precipitation and Dry Fallout , Phosphorus , Shoreline Algal Survey , lakeshore dumping , animal waste , erosion , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Alternative Title
The Shoreline algal (cladophora) survey identified 53 cladophora
. growths, the majority of which we suspect are related to leaching
septic systems or excessive lawn fertilization. Most growths were
small, indicating a small nutrient source although we did identify
several larger problems. Also, lakeshore dumping of leaves and grass
clippings which caused several cladophora growths was more frequent
on North take Leelanau than any other lakes we have surveyed.
Our theoretical analysis of the sources of phosphorus entering North
take Leelanau shows .the major phosphorus sources to the lake to be
watershed runoff (70%) and precipitation/dry fallout (25%). Overall
the contribution from septic systems (3%) and lawn fertilization
(2%) is small. Despite this relatively small phosphorus
contribution, septic and lawn fertilization problems are more
controllable than either watershed runoff or precipitation/dry
fallout so therefore we support efforts to minimize them to the
maximum extent possible.
Partial OCR done. 32 pages total.