Eutrophication is Beginning in Lake Michigan
Bartsch, A.F.
Issue Date
Technical Report
Lake Michigan , Eutrophication , hypoxia , phytoplankton , nutrient , Offshore areas , Inshore areas , Chicago records , Cladophora , Sludgeworm , Stream pollution
Alternative Title
Through vigorous efforts of the
press, thousands of people living in the
Lake Michigan watershed are acquiring
an awareness of the term "eutrophication."
They are learning, also,
that it relates in some manner to water
pollution and water quality problems
in the lake.
Many scientific studies of Lake
Michigan have been carried out over
the years by a number of agencies
representing states and communities
fronting on the lake. The resulting observations
cover a historical period
dating back to before the turn of the
century, but the data improve in completeness
only in recent times. Among recent Lake Michigan studies are those
of the Great Lakes Research Division
of the University of Michigan. The
Center for Great Lakes Studies of the
University of Wisconsin, and the studies
of the Great Lakes Region of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration.
An appraisal of eutrophication
in Lake Michigan has been
made in connection with the FWPCA
The results of all the studies mentioned
above are substantially in agreement,
and they collectively make up
the story of what has been happening
to Lake Michigan in recent times.
Fig. 1. Influence of cultural development on eutrophication.; Fig. 2. Areas where Cladophora fouled beaches in 1967.; Fig. 3. Sludgeworm concentration in Lake Michigan.; Table 1: Annual input and output of nutrients for Lake Michigan, 1963-1964.