Report on Insesticide in Lake Michigan, November 1968
Mount, Donald I.
Pesticides Committee of the Lake Michigan Enforcement Conference
United States Department of the Interior
Issue Date
Technical Report
Lake Michigan , Insecticides , Pesticides , Hazards , Water Sampling , Water Quality , Recommendations , Michigan , Wisconsin , Indiana , Illinois
Alternative Title
One of the sixteen conclusions reached by conferees
of The Four State Enforcement Conference on pollution of
Lake Michigan (January-March 1968) is: "Pesticides are found in Lake Michigan
and its tributary streams resulting from
the application of these materials. The
ever-increasing use of these materials
threatens water uses for recreation, fish
and wildlife, and water supplies."
The conferees took positive action toward review and
study of the pesticide problem in Lake Michigan in their
recommendation No. 15:
"A technical committee on pesticides will
be established to be chaired by a member
of the Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration with representatives from
each state. The committee shall evaluate
the pesticide problem and recommend to the
conferees a program of monitoring and control. The first report will be submitted
in six months to the conferees. The states shall seek legislation to license commercial applicators.
Table 1
Pesticide Residues
Lake Michigan
in Whole Fish from 1965-1968*, Table 2
Insecticides and the Lower Values of Quantitative Reporting
Recommended for Various Types of Monitoring., Table 3
Recommended Water Quality Monitoring Stations
for Insecticides on Major Tributaries.,TABLE 4
Tributary Streams Recommended
for Biological Monitoring., TABLE 5
Recommended Insecticide Analysis for Fish
to be Collected in April and October.,